NEW Crossbows from EXCALIBUR!

It’s that time of year: the crossbow manufacturers are announcing their new offerings. In this podcast we take a look at the new offerings from Excalibur—the good, the bad, and the lightweight LOL.

We look at the TAC2 (Tactical version of the Twinstrike), the Mag AIR (a light crossbow) and the new Micro 380. SPOILER ALERT: the all new “380” is pretty cool.

Post Podcast Notes: When I recorded this podcast, I used information provided by Excalibur’s website and their various press releases (videos, etc.) along with some articles and videos released by folks who were fortunate to have already had these models in their hands. Some information (as you’ll hear in this podcast) was lacking. This is an ongoing frustration for me when manufacturers don’t publish all the information we might like to have to make good decisions as crossbow consumers. I can’t find draw weights or power strokes—two basic pieces of information—about these models (or others) on Excalibur’s website! This is not a problem limited to Excalibur, either. So I called Excalibur Customer Service and learned that even they do not have that information at the time of this podcast’s recording, since their new catalog hasn’t been published yet. So, hopefully we’ll have that information soon.

Regardless, I did have a great conversation with them about these new models. I did learn that the new Micro 380 does not require the use of the new Rhino Nock—my old Burt Coyote Lumenoks would work just fine. You will loose the features associated with that Rhino Nock, of course, but it will still be safe to shoot (and you’ll have a lighted nock). So, take that for what it’s worth!

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