Quieting the Already "Quiet" Scorpyd Deathstalker 420

A Friend of Bunjie recommended a “hack” for the new Scorpyd Deathstalker to help quiet those spring loaded string dampeners or string suppressors. It involves some silicone grease and some rubber O-rings. It does appear to make it a little quieter! This crossbow is pretty quiet already, but the springs in there were a little loud.

“I use Danco #6 O rings 7/16 OD 5/16 ID X 1/16 and Danco silicone grease,” he told me, and he sent me a great video showing how he did it.

Pretty cheap fix! That’s the grease above. The O-rings are below. Worked like a charm. A video of us installing them is set out below, too.

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